Monthly Archives: September 2012

Mindful, Peaceful, Wonderful : My Experience at Urban Lotus Yoga with Tania Hughes


A wonderful discovery has been made through my journey in finding yoga throughout Chicago. As a young yogini, in my first year of discovering yoga I had been inspired by a teacher who taught hatha yoga at my community college. Hatha yoga has always been my calling, but it is difficult to find in a fitness hungry world. This teacher in particular offered something I had never experienced before. Yoga is something I believe to be a personal practice. Although you are in a classroom with other yogis, it is solely up to you and how you want to take your journey. This instructor helped my journey by showing me a more mindful meditative state. Instead of running through poses erratically and working up a sweat, our class would practice our breathe, slowly move from position to position while she informed us on each and every limb, bone and intestine the pose  aided. Hatha and vinyasa yoga are the forms I prefer because it allows one’s self to become aware of your body and mind. This instructor inspired me so much that even though I needed to attend her session for a college credit, after the semester was over I continued my journey into what it is now.

Ever since that time in my life where I figure out exactly what kind of yoga I was inspired by and sought to practice, I have been searching for classes similar to my beginning experience. Finally, years later through all the fitness driven classes I have attended that advertise themselves as hatha yoga, have I found a place that brought me back to the good ole days of my beginning practice. Urban Lotus Yoga studio is somewhere I will continue to visit because I enjoy the atmosphere and the instructor of the class incredible. I was able to speak to Tania before our class session and was pleasantly surprised to hear about her views on yoga and even on society. Although she felt she used the phrase ‘forward leaning society” excessively I felt it was fitting and completely explained why people need more yoga in their lives because regular exercise just doesn’t cut it. We talked about how people tend to follow a cycle of doing things we are essentially told we are supposed to do. The fast track pace of the city gets people sucked up into routine rather than a journey.  Tania has an extensive understanding of how the body works, and I would defiantly recommend taking a first ever class with her because of the great detail she goes into for each pose.  I won’t go into extreme detail of Tania’s background here because my previous entry does a wonderful job at introducing her, but what I will say is this: Tania was a breath of fresh air, not only did I enjoy the class she conducted but I enjoyed sharing a common love for yoga. If you really want to learn and understand yoga in its rawest form go to her class!

Urban Lotus Yoga


Join me today in my visit to Urban Lotus Yoga. I will be going to the 6pm-715pm class run by Tania Hughes. This is the first time I will be visiting this studio so I will report back on today’s yoga journey. This class is a beginner hatha yoga class. All classes at Urban Lotus are $10 which is great for a young yogini like me who doesn’t have much to spend! For those of you on the fence about going I have provided a profile on Ms. Tania Hughes and if you click her photo you can learn about the other instructors at this studio!

Tania Hughes
As a massage and craniosacral therapist, Tania Hughes brings a decade of bodywork background to her yoga classroom.  She is interested in the therapeutic possibilities of yoga, and its ability to counter pathology in the body, chronic pain, and the stresses of today’s fast-paced lifestyle. Tania  teaches empowerment through body awareness as well as transformation of Self through connection to Mind, Body and Spirit.

 Tania’s yogic path began in 2001 eventually leading her to the  practice and study of Ashtanga, Iyengar and Anusara Yoga at Local Chicago studios Yogaview; Nature Yoga; and The Yoga Circle.

In the Spring of 2006 the call to teach led her to gain formal training from her mentors at Yogaview.

She is indebted to all her teachers for their guidance, support and endless patience, and is inspired by her students who continually motivate her to learn more.

Tania’s classes offer a light-hearted blend of Hatha and Vinyasa yoga. While seeking enriching breathwork and finding joy in movement are components of Tania’s classes, her emphasis is on healthy alignment, all anchored by spiritual connection to Self. She offers a teaching style of kindness, patience, optimism and encouragement towards trust in one’s Self.

Class levels range from Beginner/Level I to Level II.

National Yoga Month


September is National Yoga Month! Spirit Seeker magazine and a few other places are taking advantage of this month to explain the benefits of yoga. I picked up my free Spirit Seeker and YOGA Chicago magazine at the Whole Foods in the south loop. Spirit Seeker provides great articles on the mindfulness of yoga, and YOGA Chicago provides an even larger directory in the magazine than on the website.

Yoga at Home


I encourage everyone to check this quick video as a quick and great way to get in some relaxation before or after a long day. I like to use this video in between work or studying as a tool to wind down. It helps to watch the video through first before you begin your practice especially if you are new to yoga (this way you already are familiar of which movement to make instead of having to pause and replay poses).



Let’s begin our journey into the Chicago Yoga scene with a helpful list of classes in the area. I find that has a wonderful insight into the world of yoga downtown. As a college student, and fellow yogi I find it is necessary for one to take a moment to themselves and relax from the busy world. I will provide wonderful ways to continue your practice regardless of budget and time. For those who are new to yoga or have never tried it, I encourage you to read this article about “The Four Paths of Yoga.”  Kali Om provides a breakdown of the different types of yoga which is helpful for beginners in order to personalize what you want out of your practice. Yoga tends to be generalized as a way to work out, something more physical. This is true, and many classes teach “Raja” yoga, but some may find a different path that suits them better. The popularity of “Raja” Yoga has increased in the fitness industry as an alternative  workout. Because of the increasing popularity of yoga,there are more varieties of classes. has a wonderful list of instructors which breaks down their teaching styles and where they practice.